Wow...summer is almost over! Just because there is less daylight and lower temperatures, though, doesn't mean the manly meter has to dip...straighten that back, stick out that chin and put the manly gleam back in your eye. Take a minute to share your recent feats of manliness!
Hey, Alex! I've been getting my man on this summer and I know it's going to come together. I have been letting my ex (that's my wife, not any of the ladies I've been with while we were together or after that) know she's missing out and what a loser everyone is going to know she is. I have even been doing my best to tell our son about what a loser his mom is and how she is trying to ruin his life. She whines like a woman about how I'm mean in all the emails I send her,and complains about how I talk to our kids-but she just doesn't get it...I'm simply bringing reality to her existence. I mean, how will she remember how great I am and be sorry she didn't just "lady up" and let me do my thing unless I constantly remind her and belittle her to our son...and our daughter, I think. I think we have a little girl, but the most important thing is my son. But anyway, I will be getting a better job soon. I know it. The ladies all around this area think I'm great, and I've had a few interviews. They haven't worked out yet,so I think my ex is taking time out of her day to call around and talk bad about me to people. It's the only thing I can figure because there's no way it can be me.
ReplyDeleteThis could be a tricky situation. Lets say I take my boy for my court-ordered visit-well because I love him too, of course. It makes me a great dad if the women see me out doing dad stuff like going to the sports can you NOT love that! Well anyway, I get him to school the mornings after he stays, and we ran out the door without the book report due that day. He had to stay in for recess and lost some points on it, his mom was telling me about it like I had something to do with it...I mean yeah, he was with me, but I have stuff to do! First of all, I had a few beers in me, because that's what you do when you're out being a man and a dad and the ladies are watching, and I have to get in to work as quick as I can-there's a new girl that started this year and she knows how unappreciative my ex has been. It's the best time of the day for me to chat her up and tell her about how I had my son the night before. So anyway, my wife asking and telling me about this book report thing like it has something to do with me. What can I do?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, you can't really do much about less than awesome people not realizing you have a punched free pass ticket for life on the awesome train. Doesn't really matter if you were the one who had the kid or not, you need to remind your ex that it's her fault. The "free ticket" means it can't be your fault. Any difficulties that arise must be due to someone else's actions or shortcomings. This will help make sure your son gets his ticket punched too-learning by the fine example you set. The truly great guy takes care of the important stuff: being out, being seen, being's other people's job to handle the grunt work. Stay thirsty my friend!