Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Greatness of Men

It's a daily struggle, getting the recognition us men deserve for the the great things we do. Often we get exactly the opposite, resistance to our clarity and logic. The important thing is (and always is) knowing we are right. You can't argue with the evidence that shows we are right. Part of the evidence is we are men-that just makes us right. The rest is cumulative. Over time our consistence and persistence just makes us right. My two ex-wives and the last girlfriend I have know this,although they won't admit it. Even as I was moving out of my last girlfriend's apartment for some silly girl thing she brought on herself, she knew I was right and didn't realize that the ladies I work with all knew it more than her. My kids know I'm right-at least my sons do. After long months of telling them how foolish their mothers are, they are finally starting to see the light. I'm pretty sure my daughter understands her father is right, but I don't really talk to her that much. I usually have her stay with a neighbor or someone on my weekends while I take the boys out. In the long run, the ex wives, girlfriends and children come to see that strong men are the center of their universe and need to be clung to and agreed with. Without them, they wouldn't be ex-wives and girlfriends, and the children wouldn't be here. In a way, they owe their existence to men, and should be grateful. The men who come here to this forum come to share their thoughts, ask questions, get answers, and just a little recognition for how awesome men are.


  1. Thank you! I never see anything anywhere that tells it like it is. That Dr. Phil stuff where the girl is always right just proves how few people get it-EVEN SOME OF OUR FELLOW MEN!

  2. What do you do when the judge tells you you have to follow a court order, if the Judge is a woman? My wife's lawyer came up with some stupid stuff, and I'm smarter than her and him combined because I didn't need a lawyer.I wrote up my own ideas-and the judge took her side, probably because she's a woman too and girls take the girl's side. I tried to talk to the judge's husband, so he could talk some sense into her, and they threatened to have me arrested. They don't see the damage they're doing to some of my kids by not giving them to me. Instead they want me to pay money. How can I find my sons another mother if I have to fork over my dating money?

  3. Chuck, Believe me,I feel your pain. Sometimes one of the biggest burdens of being a man is reminding others, especially those people that have been told that they are smart (counselors, psychologists, parole officers, judges)that YOU are in fact smarter than them. It is painful for them to hear but trust me-you'll be doing them a favor.Once they realize the truth, they won't be able to question what you do, because you are smarter than them-and they know it! It reminds of this situation I had with one of my exes after she found out I was seeing this girl from work, and fooling around with this other girl I met online. Now most ladies would realize they had quite a catch if a man was smart enough to juggle a wife, kids and a couple ladies on the side. Instead of realizing that it was all her fault for not being hot enough, my wife blamed all her problems on me. It just goes to show ya.

  4. Alex, I constantly argue with my ex over how our children need to be treated. She continually harps on me, saying I treat our son better than our daughter,but she just doesn't get it and she's bound to ruin our kids the same way she ruined our marriage: by not listening to me and doing what I say. I try to bring reality to her existence-it's too late for her, but I might be able to save the kids.I want my son to be a man, and I want my daughter to know how to find and keep a man, AND I think my ex should be able to do that with the money I give her...BUT SHE'S NOT DOING IT!

  5. J.D.-You are exactly the kind of guy I was thinking of when I put this blog together.

  6. J.D. Why are you arguing with your ex over how to be a dad? Women don't have the qualifications or the equipment to decide how a dad should be a dad. Just make sure you keep your son on the right path. Hopefully he'll keep his mother and sister on it as well. His mom can dedicate her life to making sure he gets everything a prince deserves, and he can make sure he marries his sister off to one of his cool friends some day.
