Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ineffective teachers and gullible parent/victims-BE WARNED!

Occasionally an opportunity to be a true leader just offers itself up. Take for example the recent movement of ineffective teachers and their brainwashing campaign to get gullible parents to join them in destroying the futures of children. Fortunately, someone from The State has stepped up to take charge. Sometimes, great results require great individuals to impose greatness. Hopefully whoever came up with this will join me in the campaign of greatness. When I become the leader of people I know I already am, and I can prove to my stubborn ex-wife and all the ladies around me that my side is the side to be on, the world will be a better place for all children.

 Here is the recent response from The State to the parent/educator conspiracy to have input in the education of public school children:

To: Parent/Guardian Victims
From: The State
Re: The opt/out movement and "refusal code" letters that are showing up
April 2013

Dear Parent/Guardian victims of the "opt-out/refuse" virus,

    First, The State would like to say that "school reform" is now being called "school improvement'. The feeling is that your pain will be eased when you think it will be made better: improvement!-instead of being told it's happening because you were bad to begin with: reform : (

      It is unfortunate that you have been put in harm's way by uncooperative agents of The State and/or your lack of understanding of the parent/guardian role in the corporate-political mechanism and its "School Improvement Agenda". The new common core learning standards, the new curriculum that no-bid contract winners will be paid state budget money to create, the inexperienced yet well-financed and protected education authorities and reformers trying to tell you that they know best how to judge what good teaching is, and the disappearing funds that once went to your schools should all have been enough to prompt your quiet compliance.

    The State has the best interests of your non-wealthy public school students in mind.

    The objectives of The State, (The Governor, The Ed Commissioner, SED) and the framing of the agenda have been consistent:

1) public school teachers are bad, make too much money, and administrators and communities aren't capable of getting rid of them


2) the new common core curriculum and the tests that come with it, as well as the mining and selling of your personal data are the salvation of young learners (that don't attend the charters and private schools education leaders send their children to).

    Those two rationales are really different ways of saying the exact same thing: "The State knows best". To spend too much time investigating the truth in or strength of either way of saying it only puts The State in the position of needing to pay lawyers again to help come up with more ways to say it to make you listen and comply.

    That is why the recent surge in the "opt out" movement is concerning. In New York, where the state recognizes no parent/guardian authority to opt their children out of state tests, a letter is surfacing that takes advantage of a regulatory loophole-a scoring code for "refusal" and an assumed right of parents to make decisions for their non-emancipated children in the supposed best interest of those children.

     Rest assured The State is working hard to find ways to close the confusing loopholes that allow parents and guardians to make those types of decisions. Not only will public school employees face dismissal, loss of teaching licenses and possibly jail time for non-compliance with testing protocol, but school districts under advisement from The State will be tightening up student conduct codes to make sure disciplinary procedures are in place for students not complying and parents not cooperating.

    "In loco parentis" will be replaced by "instead of parentis".

     Schools will be tightening up their policies in order to support The State's School Improvement Agenda, and that means The State now is "the parent" not just during the day and in the school, but instead of you when you don't do what we want.

     Teachers will confirm that they are duty bound to execute test administration in accordance with state guidelines. They have been told in as many ways as possible that their job, their teaching license, and possibly their freedom will be lost if they participate in activities that are contrary to mandates of the state.

     Your local administrators will echo the importance of multiple standardized measures and their importance relative to the future of your children. Please don't bother them with questions about constitutional rights as parents to make decisions for your children,

     Please don't ask them about your rights as citizens to band together with other concerned parents to make sure your local BOE knows you care.

     Please don't be influenced by others who have already organized and ask openly about the dichotomy between what is being sold as a path to success and what the successful selling it choose as a path for their own children.

     Please don't get on the internet to look up the addresses and phone numbers of your local legislators, SED Commissioners, or your governors to make your voice heard.

    In the end, those actions just muddy The State's message with the foul smell of democracy.

    Submit your children, and we will do the rest.

The State