to our old goals-and the setting of some that are new. Take, for example, my never ending battle to bring some peace and common sense to the life of my ex-wife, and free our children from her depraved, destructive, unskilled and non-supportive money-grubbing absentee style of parenting. Well, free my son at least. I'm sure my little girl will somehow survive staying with that woman because at least she'll find a man someday.
My god given mission is to train my son well so that all his ladies will understand what true manliness is all about. Sadly, as stubborn ex-ladies often do, I am confronted daily-blocked even, from being the kind of man and the kind of dad I COULD be, if I only had some more money. To begin with, the lifestyle of men requires drinking money, dating money, getting out on the town in style money, keeping up appearances money...and women know this, even someone as self-centered as my wife! Despite these facts, my ex expects me to pay her for the babies she had. I know, I know..I helped make them, but when I went out to find other women, her job was to be a mother and remain proud that her man would still come home to her-most of the time. I mean, there was that spell where I took off to be a bachelor for a few months and work on that pretty young thing I'd met at work-but I told my wife I was coming back. What more could she have wanted? Counseling??? Well, you know counselors: right away it was my fault. Can you believe it? Here I am coming back, and it's my fault, not my wife's for not just getting back with the program. Well, now here we are, with her raising the kids, washing clothes, being there day in and day out...and here I am having to pay her. Where is the justice?

ways as possible what a failure she is, and how much better he would be living with me, but he's only 12 and hasn't been able to wear her down yet. She just hasn't gotten the message.

If I didn't have to pay her, and I had legal custody of my son, I would still leave him with his horrible mother most of the time (I do have to be out meeting new ladies), BUT I would be a happier dad-and happy dads are better dads. I know the court will see it my way eventually. I do have a way with words and more brains than all those lawyers, judges and family court people put together. She'll probably have to pay a lawyer who ALSO won't be as smart as me. I continually try to text and email her into having some common sense, and people I know tell me that the way I am will get all around the small town we live in, and that people I don't even know won't understand. They throw around words like "narcissist", "psychopath" and "shouldn't be around children". But great men usually start out as misunderstood men. And as the great thinker John Cassis said:
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
So men, especially manly men, write in with your ideas. How can I make sure I am important and everyone knows it-and more importantly, how do I make sure everyone knows how important and nice I am?